Website Updates
This page provides an insight into the updates and new information posted on this website.
4/4/09 - We'll be blunt, we've been laps in updating this website for quite a while. It has been serving us well in its current form and we've been very focused on our custom furniture and antique restoration business ( We're planning some updates to this site hopefully soon. We'll be starting a new blog attached to our main site, and we'll be adding some new walking stick features shortly.
In the meantime, check out Page 2 of Artisans Quarterly Review Vol 2 Issue 2 - 2009 to see a feature article on Master Woodcarver Stanley Saperstein in Woodshop News!

We've recently aligned with Rory Fanning to offer our support for his quest to support the Pat Tillman Foundation.
Artisans supports Rory Fanning's Walk for Pat Tillman

Please take a moment to visit Rory's site and consider contributing to his cause directly, or by commissioning a walking stick we contribute!
Other recent Artisans of the Valley Publications
Artisans Booklet "Mini-Portfolio" a Printable PDF Cross Section of our Entire Portfolio
Artisans Green Notes - Our part for the environment!
Artisans Quarterly Review:
Vol 2 Issue 2 - 2009 * Vol 2 Issue 1 - 2009
Vol 1 Issue 4 - 2008 * Vol 1 Issue 3 - 2008
Vol 1 Issue 2 - 2008 * Vol 1 Issue 1 - 2008
3/24/06 - Lots of technical updates, descriptions, alt tags, background links and internal things going on. We're revamping our and to be more search engine and human friendly.
3/15/06 - Addition of a custom oak cane rack by Artisans of the Valley on our Gallery Section Home Page. We'll be adding another section divoted to cane accessories as soon as possible! |